This is a much better view than the car! |
I let her sit in her own seat for most of the ride and she was pretty happy about it. I kept on hand on her leg so she didn't launch herself onto the floor and she sat pretty upright for most of the ride working those ab muscles for balance. She also discovered that she could climb up my leg and get to a standing positionand then she could really see out the window. For reasons I don't understand she loves to examine the fascinating vent holes on the windowsill. I don't usually like to encourage her to keep the pacifier in her mouth all the time, but she kept trying to lick the windowsill and the armrest so compromises were made. In both directions Emma stayed awake for most of the ride and was quiet aside from regaling us with a few of vocalization strings. Sadly I didn't remember to actually bring the camera so I was only able to take these fuzzy shots with my phone.
Eeeee! Emma on a train!!!!