Saturday, July 26, 2008

We Made Cheese!

Last Sunday, while recovering from our rafting adventure we decided to do some cooking and while I was reviewing the list of stuff that we'd been meaning to make I asked Todd if there was anything else he wanted to make and he said "Cheese!"  So we got out our handy green cookbook and found a recipe for Labneh, which is made from Greek yogurt.  
It seemed straight forward enough.  You season the yogurt, you put it in cheese cloth and then you leave it in the fridge for a while.   Then you roll it into little balls and place them in seasoned olive oil.  The only problem we had was that the cheese cloth we had, while excellent for making a grain bag for brewing beer, was slightly too coarse for making cheese, but we used four layers instead of two and we only lost a little of the yogurt.  

It tastes like goat cheese and smells like herbs.  Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I've made cheese before! Not quite like the one you made, but it was good! You'rs looks fantastic! I'm interested in hearing about your green cookbook, so when you get a chance can you email me the title.

    Chanecia AT Gmail Dot Com
