Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I started a hat!

On the heels of completing my present for Enid I decided I would choose some small portable projects and the first one to actually make it on to the needles is a hat with a zig zag pattern of stitches and beads.  I had a stash of bead and had previously made a swatch with the yarn I wanted to use, so I was all set.  Or so I thought.... I even counted the beads, but some how, after I finished the first repeat the remaining strand of beads looked suspiciously short.  It turns out that somehow either I miscounted or beads mysteriously vanished, but there were not quite enough beads for the second repeat of the pattern.  So much for something that seemed like it was zipping along.  On the upside, I did order more of exactly the same beads as before so as soon as they get here the project should be zipping along again.  

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