The week before, my mom went to visit my grandmother on short notice and I decided to go with her, and now I'm really glad that I did.
Many people called her Jackie, and my grandmother lived to see an astounding number of major changes in the course of human history, both great and terrible: two world wars; the great depression; the invention and proliferation of television; computers, the internet and cell phones; the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars; the assassination of JFK, MLK and Malcolm X; the Ford Model-T; Prohibition; Women's Suffrage; space exploration; AIDS…the list just goes on and on.
At 93 she was a great-grandmother four times over and although predeceased by her husband and second eldest daughter she lived a long full life. She is survived by five children, ten grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and will be missed by many. I’m proud to have known her.
I loved your grandmother. She and I would have long conversations about the most interesting things when we were both in the house. I'm sorry to hear that she passed but I'm glad that you & your mother got to see her recently.