Sunday, March 2, 2008

I have ski boots!

This season we've done skiing more than I've done all previous seasons combined and I think I've become a little obsessed.
  • Todd's birthday (Berkshire East, 1 day)
  • Owens' Tahoe trip (Todd, 1 day)
  • Super Bowl weekend (Okemo, 3 days)
  • President's Day weekend (Mt. Snow, 1day; Stratton, 1 day)
And we have at least one more trip coming up because we all won tickets to Stratton.
Along with the newly found obsession is the desire not to want to have to waste time trying on rental gear. So recently we went whole-hog and after many ski shop visits we ordered boots and skis! The boots are from a store in NY so they got here at the end of last week and Friday afternoon I had fun wearing them at my desk for the last few hours of the day. Now we just need the skis to arrive!

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