Thursday, March 6, 2008

Eddie Izzard - Round 2

Eddie Izzard was so good that we had to see him twice! Last night we went with fellow Eddie fans, some of whom we'd actually turned on to Eddie, and laughed hysterically all over again.

This show was very similar to the other one, but as Todd pointed out Eddie seems to have honed things some since the first show we saw.

Here is my brain dump - I in no way guarantee that this will make any sense:
Poo on a fan
Ooh I'm hamlet, my dad's dead
Don't drink too much wine before a gig
Monarchies decay into putrification then you swim thru sick and five pound notes.
Waiting for a blok in trousers to come work things out.
Middle country drain - they ride greyhounds outta there.
The golden rule. The Nazis rarely used the golden rule. They went bat shit crazy.
Post 42 type films.
We've been in aeroplanes and seen thru those clouds.
There is no bathroom in there - its a toilet.
Terms and conditions. You just agree! Sell kids into slavery - agree! Grandmother on fire! Agree! Knee to testicles agree!
Opera is a weird thing. Opera is a hummer on an art thing.
PCs show you numbers just long enough to freak you out.
Trees are quite big.
Sex with badgers is possible.
God on crack: why would you make a triceratops? Elizabethan ruff , only eats veggies?
Homo flatus - homo 45 degreesus.
Are you sure the ice is gone?
It's a bison, c'mon, help me! I just hit him with a stone. Hitting-bison-on-head-age.
Do you have a kit kat? Is Kenny in? We're hashishins.
Squirrel mit toaster equals elephant.
This is a table? I brought a table - I took the wrong bag!
Tapestries: Don't look at the weavers. I've sewn it to my leg!
Monkey people.
Why take six days? What is he doing building a train set?
Creme brulee? Slightly singed. Creme burnt.
Intelligent design.
Cows should be going 26 miles of ditch.
Thou shall not cover thy neighbor's ox. Did you see Steve's ox? Harry where's your blanket?

I love Eddie Izzard!

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