Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Garden Is In!

We used the planters to edge the far side of our patio.  The small suspended planter is part of the herb collection. 
We were steeling ourselves for a trip to Home Depot but while we were at Stew Leonard's we saw some flowers we thought would go very nicely in the planters we lugged from our house in NJ.  Unsurprisingly we went with some purples and pinks, but we also got some nice bright yellows and oranges.

I have no idea what these little orange guys are but I've very happy with them - and they make a nice juxtaposition to the lovely rosebush I got as a mother's day present.  I got lots of lovely flowers for Mother's Day (sadly they didn't make it into their own picture) and now our patio is looking very lush and vibrant.
But here is the real reason we went to Home Depot: to get supplies for a raised vegetable garden.  I've wanted to make a raised garden for a while now and we started by planting the seeds two weekends ago.  Each day we watched the little sprouts get taller and taller, and I turned them every day or two to prevent them from listing too much in one direction.  And after two weeks they were ready to move in to their new digs.  Only we had to make the bed first.  By the time we got home on Saturday we decided we should just enjoy the new patio furniture.  That was a wise decision because despite being fairly straight forward the time estimate on the site was extremely optimistic and probably meant to encourage people to try to make a garden.  We got started before the guests showed up on Sunday, right after Emma took her morning nap, and only barely managed to finish everything - particularly the planting - in time to enjoy all the visitors and the delicious meal.

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