Todd once mentioned that it would be great if there were an email or newsletter that told you what local produce was in season and gave suggestions for what you could do with it. Turns out just such a thing exists. It is the Edible Jersey Newsletter. The most recent edition included a recipe for Oat Soda Bread that just called out to me. I'd wanted to make it even before we got excited about the Turkish cook book, but yesterday turned out to be all Turkish recipes. So when I got up early again today - despite yesterday's long and exciting day - I knew what I wanted to make.
Bob's helped quite a bit with this recipe. |
The buttermilk and the oats made this smell wonderful even before it was in the oven. I made just one small adjustment to the recipe; I added about three tablespoons of mixed seeds to the batter in addition to the seeds on the top.
The recipe called for buttering and parchment paper in the loaf pan, but as advertised the bread slid right out when it was done.
The resulting bread was dense and fragrant with a lovely crunchy seed covered crust that went perfectly with salted butter and tea.
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