I started this project a while ago but stopped several times. I started but was frustrated to find that there was an error in the pattern so I put it aside and worked on some other projects for a while. Since it was intended as a Christmas present I had motivation to pick it up and try again which was good, otherwise I might have just given it up. The other projects that I was working on also happened to have repeating patterns which helped me to see the pattern in this project when I came back to it. I have realized that I'm much better at looking at the portion that I have already knitted and "reading" the stitches to see what I have to do next than I am at counting rows to keep track of a pattern, even with fun clickey counters.
When I picked this up for the second time I decided to knit it in just one piece by knitting the side panels attached and then knitting the live stitches on either side together with the bottom section of the bag and then picking up the stitches up the sides as I knitted up the back. I'm glad I stuck with it because I've very happy with the way it turned out and now that I've done it once I could make another one much more easily.